Heat & Electro | Machinery 2023
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Russian Federation
Pav. 8.1, D120
GNPP Aerogeophysica is the leading airborne geophysical company. We provide airborne geophysical surveys worldwide helping our customers to solve petroleum and mineral resource, environmental and infrastructure challenges. GNPP Aerogeophysica possesses a highly effective innovative technology for ...
- Engineering services for energy fields

Aliyans Eco
Russian Federation
Pav. 8.1, C106
The Alliance ECO company is engaged in the development, production and supply of control systems for gas piston engines and units based on them, gas engine compressors. We develop and produce the electronic components that form the basis of these systems in the Russian Federation.
Composition of ...
- Diesel, petrol, and gas piston generators, cogeneration units

Russian Federation
Pav. 8.2, F112
ARMTORG Media Group is an authoritative assistant in the pipeline valve industry for 15 years, an open portal of the port, a forum of experts, analysts and marketers of industrial enterprises.
The magazine "Bulletin of the Valve Builder" is the main authoritative industry magazine on pipeline fitt...
- Press

Russian Federation
Pav. 8.1, B104
We offer modern highly efficient equipment of our own production:
• Air screw and piston compressors for any type of production, construction and road works with a capacity of up to 52 m3/min., outlet pressure up to 25 atm.
• We manufacture air receivers with a volume from 100 to 900 liters, as ...
- Compressors

Association "Energoinnovation"
Russian Federation
The Association of Innovative Enterprises in the Energy Sector "Energoinnovation" is an association of the largest enterprises-developers and manufacturers of advanced technologies and high-tech solutions in the field of energy and ecology.
The mission is to promote innovative development in the f...
- Engineering services for energy fields
- Compressors
- Diesel, petrol, and gas piston generators, cogeneration units

Association of Compressor Plants
Russian Federation
Pav. 8.1, B104
The Association of Compressor Plants unites manufacturers of compressor equipment, as well as specialized enterprises that produce components for compressor units.
The main goal of the Association is to promote the development of the domestic compressor industry at the international level.
- Hydraulics & pneumatics
- Compressors

Association of enterprises of the Moscow region Mosoblteploenergo
Russian Federation
The Mosoblteploenergo Association was established in 1996.
in order to coordinate activities and consolidate forces for energy conservation,
development and production of equipment, instruments and materials for energy enterprises.
More than 40 large heat generating organizations of the Moscow ...
- Pipelines for heat and water supply
- Valves
- Auxiliary engineering equipment for boiler stations

Russian Federation
Pav. 8.1, C118
The BOILER ENERGETIKA company designs, produces and implements:
Integrated solutions for steam boiler houses. Boiler auxiliary equipment - deaerators, bubblers, separators, steam supply modules, etc. The equipment is made in the form of modules with ready-made piping, which allows for convenient ar...
- Auxiliary engineering equipment for boiler stations
- Water treatment equipment
- Heat exchange equipment

Russian Federation
Pav. 8.1, С120
The Compressor—Techcenter company has been the largest representative of household and industrial equipment of foreign and domestic manufacturers throughout Russia for more than 20 years. To date, the company's assortment includes compressor equipment, air conditioning systems, nitrogen generators, ...
- Equipment for gas piston and diesel generators, engines
- Engineering services for energy fields
- Hydraulics & pneumatics

Russian Federation
Pav. 8.1, C124
- Auxiliary engineering equipment for boiler stations
- Industrial boilers

Dorogobuzhkotlomash, LLC
Russian Federation
Pav. 8.1, B102
Boiler plant “Dorogobuzhkotlomash” is providing design, installation supervision, chief equipment adjustment, warranty and after-sales service of industrial heating boilers with capacity from 50 kW up to 209 MW, steam boilers up to 12 t/h, industrial burners up to 38,5 MW, boiler control systems. “D...
- Burners
- Auxiliary engineering equipment for boiler stations
- Automation systems

Ebico (China) Environment Co., Ltd.
Pav. 8.1, A116
EBICO originated in Milan, Italy, and the burner business has been the persistence of EBICO for more than 20 years. EBICO has formed a strategic cooperation with the Novar Bergamo and Vizcaya teams with strong international burner research and development capabilities. Optimizing and integrating Eur...
- Burners

Russian Federation
Pav. 8.1, С105
Currently, EKOENERGOTECH Group specializes in the development and production of industrial exhaust systems and their components (catalytic converters and silencers of the OR-28129-EET brand, SCR systems, spark arresters, etc.).
Our products and systems can be used on internal combustion engines o...
- Equipment for gas piston and diesel generators, engines
- Engineering services for energy fields
- Electrical equipment. Cable systems

Pav. 8.1, B106
We Manufacture Monoblock And Industrıal Burners And Hot Aır Generator Under The Ecostar Brand. In Addıtıon, We Are Producer Of Ecodense Branded Condensıng Boıler We Are Celebratıng Our 56rd Years In Heatıng Industry And We Proud To Be One Of The Top Market Player In Turkey.
As Ecostar (Monoblock An...
- Burners
- Industrial boilers

Elec.ru, Magazin & Handbook
Russian Federation
«Elec.ru» company is a special purpose expert in the field of display and contextual advertising and reputational management for representatives of electrotechnical industry.
Over a period of 20 years «Elec.ru» information agency provides professional advertising campaigns, current news and a chro...
- Press
- Electrical equipment. Cable systems

Electric Power News
Russian Federation
Electric Power News, journal ISSN 2218-5496
Information and analytical journal
129090, Moscow, Schepkin street, 8
tel. +7(495) 911-26-96
E-mail: vesti-news@mail.ru
Web-сайт: www.vesti.energy-journals.ru
The journal «Electric Power News» was established in 2002.
Founders: the Ministry of ...
- Press

Electrical Technology market
Russian Federation
Industry trade magazine provides topical information about electrotechnical industry, articles, market reviews and directory of the companies of electrotechnical market. The biggest circulation in industry.
- Press
- Electrical equipment. Cable systems
- Automation systems