Dear Visitor!

Please, choose the exhibition from the list, enter the e-mail for receiving the electronic ticket, fill in the visitor questionnaire.

If you complete the questionnaire correctly, an individual electronic ticket will be e-mailed to you within 15 minutes.

To attend the exhibition, you have to print the electronic ticket and use it to enter the fairground.

ATTENTION! One electronic ticket allows entry to the Fair for one visitor only.

International exhibition of equipment, services, innovations for industrial enterprises and them uninterrupted heat and power supply

Heat&Electro website

Address of the event:
Moscow, IEC «Expocentre»
Date of the event:
10/29/2024- 10/31/2024
International Trade Fair for Consumer Goods

International Commodity Fair website
Address of the event:
Moscow, Timiryazev Centre
Date of the event:
11/12/2024 - 11/14/2024
International Trade Fair for Industrial Equipment and Innovations

Machinery Fair Moscow website
Address of the event:
Moscow, Timiryazev Centre
Date of the event:
11/12/2024 - 11/14/2024