Russian Federation
Pav.3, Hall 14, В12
The company was founded in 1993. It is a manufacturer specializing in the production of non-woven materials and home textiles. The peculiarity of the enterprise is the unification of a number of productions into a single technological cycle, from obtaining raw materials to the release of finished products, which allows us to produce finished products with specified consumer properties and flexibly change them according to consumer requests. We pay special attention to the quality of the products. Thanks to a careful approach to the production of products and a well-established scheme of interaction with both regular and new customers, the company has earned a reputation as a reliable business partner.
  • Technical fabrics
  • Nonwovens
  • Buildtech
  • Clothtech
  • Hometech
  • Indutech
  • Protech
  • Sporttech


Russian Federation, 141270, Pushkino, rp.Sofrino, Patriarkha Pimena, 57

Phone: +7(495)993-29-45

Phone: +7(903)790-56-22

Phone: +7(926)258-74-98

Email: firmabkl@rambler.ru