Russian Federation
5, 1D20
The company represents equipment both for the production of materials used in additive technologies, and for the study of their properties. At our booth we will present information on industrial, research and laboratory gas metals atomizers. Laboratory specialists will be interested in the laboratory instrumentation for the analysis and properties research of powders, polymer materials and metals. Some instruments will be presented at our booth, including a device for comprehensive study of the rheological properties of powders used in SLS and SLM technologies. R&D specialists will learn about our laboratory extruders, molding machines and fiber systems, effectively and comfortably used in polymer-based composites research and development. Being exclusive dealers of the number of leading manufacturers, we supply, install, and support all our equipment.
  • Integrated engineering services
  • Measurement and metrology equipment
  • Cutting and shape-generating tools
  • Warranty and post-warranty maintenance
  • Materials for 3D printing
  • Parts and components


Russian Federation, 119071, Moscow, Leninskiy pr-t 19/1

Phone: +7(495)256-24-84

Email: info@lab-test.ru

Site: www.lab-test.ru