3D Additive Technologies,LLC

Russian Federation
Hall 5, 1C28
3D Additive Technologies,LLC is a developer and manufacturer of a full range of industrial, professional and hobby photopolymer 3D resins for 3D printing in an assortment. All products are developed by the company's full-time scientists. They are produced in the company's workshops using Russian equipment and mainly from Russian raw materials. Our photopolymer resins: - developed in Russia, - produced in Russia - made from Russian raw materials - produced on Russian equipment - do not depend on sanctions and other tariff and non-tariff restrictions - do not depend on exchange rates - do not depend on international transport and logistics restrictions and costs
  • Professional and personal 3D-printers
  • Materials for 3D-printing
  • Polyurethane, compounds, polymer resins


Russian Federation, 603034, Nijniy Novgorod , st. Aviatorskaya 16, building 1

Phone: 8 (800) 511-65-04

Phone: +7(920)056-24-24

Phone: +7(921)964-72-26

Phone: +7(960)186-35-96

Email: info@3dresin.ru

Email: itu@3dresin.ru

Site: https://gorkyliquid.ru

Site: http://3dresin.ru

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtQ_WVffBnLFy7ytHLsJV_A/featured