
Russian Federation
The DairyNews - leading business media, which covers news of dairy market. The DairyNews is influential, credible and independent media, that daily publishes dozens of news about the state of the dairy industry in Russia and in the world. The number of readers who receive daily newsletters is 4400. Since 2013 The DairyNews publishes the most important news not only in Russian but also in English.   Since 2015 the most important news in English is sent to subscribers daily. The number of subscribers from other countries is about 1 thousand. The editors of the DairyNews follow the principles of openness, accessibility and independence - all information about dairy farming and dairy industry, as well as on the activities of the companies - players of the dairy market is always fully accessible and free to readers. Since 2014 in the framework of The DairyNews independent analytical platform“ DIA, dairy intelligence agency - has been developed. Key analytical products of DIA are: 1. Dairy map of Russia, accumulating operational and daily updated information on the Russian dairy industry. 2. Milk deficit map- is the annual analytical product, the purpose of which is to determine the level of self-sufficiency of regions of the Russian Federation. 3. Newsletter "Dairy industry of Russia" - an analytical guide, based on official statistical data of the departmental structures, as well as data of corporate sources.
  • 10.3. Institutes, training institutions and media

