проектный сценарий освещения дает возможность раскрыть пространство по-новому и обращает внимание на те точки, которые ранее не были замечены. Противоположные берега различны по своему функциональному составу и активности посетителей. В ходе разработки проекта учтены наличие пристани, детской площадки, пешеходного моста и зон, которые наиболее близки к воде.
в состав осветительных приборов входят световые столбики разной высоты диаметром 54 мм с матовым рассеивателем из нержавеющей стали. Относительно посещаемости различных зон парка выбраны светильники, температура которых составляет 2700, 3500 и 6000К.
Аннотация на англ:
this project reveals the image of the park and preserves its appearance as such. The design scenario of lighting makes it possible to reveal the space in a new way and draws attention to those points that were not previously noticed. The opposite shores are different in their functional composition and activity of visitors. During the development of the project, the presence of a pier, a playground, a pedestrian bridge and areas that are closest to the water were taken into account. The key points and the activity of visitors to one or another area of the park served as a priority in the arrangement of light columns and, directly, in the difference in light temperatures. The space links several entry and exit points, as well as a footbridge that becomes a continuation of the main footpath outside the park, thus being the most visited. The lighting scenario was based precisely on these parameters, which will later create comfort and safety. The main nuance of the territory was also the restoration of order and the creation of structure through the light of the left bank and the preservation of the mystery and landscape of the right.
e-mail: alena.kysina@bk.ru